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Affinity Groups

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QSR affinity groups are dedicated spaces designed to bring people together for nurturing, regeneration and learning; to explore shared identities; and to build queer communities at Stanford. Our affinity groups host regular meetings throughout the quarter: some are informal gatherings, some are workshops or seminars and some feature special invited guests, performers or speakers.

  • BLK QTS: Hosts events that center and celebrate the intersectional experiences of Black students who are LGBTQIA+
  • QTPOC KICKBACK: Kickbacks for queer and trans people of color
  • QUEERSALAM: Space for queer and trans Muslim students or relatedly identifying students (formerly Muslim, AMEMSA or MENA communities, etc)
  • REFUGE: QUEERNESS, SPIRITUALITY & RELIGION: Community program for all LGBTQIA+ members of the Stanford community on a spiritual and/or religious path.
  • TRANS&: Meetups for undergraduate trans, non-binary, and gender-questioning students
  • GRAD TRANS&: Meetups for Graduate/Postdoc  trans, non-binary, and gender-questioning students