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QSR Staff

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Find out more about the Queer Student Resource Center's passionate and dedicated team. 


Ben (All Pronouns)

I grew up on the Stanford campus, yet I’ve always felt in some way like an outsider here. I think that experience of being an “outsider within” is something that all queer people share, and I’m interested in how that shared feeling, across differences of power, privilege and identity, can become a source for radical discovery, creative work and all manner of change. I’d love to hear from you about your experiences, your thoughts or anything/everything that’s on your mind. Let’s chat!

Associate Director

Michael (He / Him)

I am a first generation college student who grew up in the deserts of Southern California. My mother is from Guatemala and my father is from Mexico. I believe in taking a holistic approach to my work, acknowledging all aspects of a person's intersectional identities and helping them to self-advocate. I strive to be a true agent of change, disrupting and challenging inequity and creating greater access, equity and diversity to further the work of liberation. Aside from this, I enjoy traveling, spending time with friends & family, watching Drag Race & Pose and love trying new foods. I love making new connections so feel free to set up a time to connect! I look forward to connecting soon.

Assistant Director

Maya (any pronouns)

I am committed to supporting trans and queer students in their ever-shifting needs as they navigate Stanford and their lives. I am also a big advocate of rest!

Program Coordinator

Tyah-Amoy Roberts (They / Any)

I’m a Stanford alum (‘23, African & African American Studies) and an artist whose work focuses on racialized gender and its relationship to artmaking, community building, and selfhood. My artistic practice includes the mediums of writing, music, and fiber art. In addition to being the Program Coordinator at QSR, I am also the assistant to the Chief Curator at the Museum of the African Diaspora in San Francisco. Connect with me to talk art, navigating Stanford, or something else entirely!

3D Illustration of colorful wave. Credit: agsandrew / iStock