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Dragfest, 2023. Credit: Anthony Chen/Ethography

Current Students

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3D Illustration of colorful wave. Credit: agsandrew / iStock

QSR Programming

QSR offers a range of programming to nurture and cultivate queer cultures on campus.


QSR events and projects are largely student driven,  and reflect the needs, desires, and cultures of the students in our orbit. We consider ourselves lucky to be rooted in such a vibrant community, and aim in all we do to nurture, enhance and honor it. 

"Q'ed Up" in white against a glitch-style background.

Q’ED UP! Newsletter

QSR has an official weekly newsletter: Q’ED UP! Dedicated to making Stanford a place where people of all genders and sexualities can thrive, we created this newsletter to build queer connectivity across campus by showing up in your inboxes once a week with meaningful content.