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Stanford Pride

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Stanford Pride, the LGBTQ group within the Stanford Alumni Association, provides lifelong support and fellowship for the Stanford LGBT community and represents the community’s interests to the University and beyond. Our members include 4000+ alumni, students, faculty and staff.

Our Mission: Stanford Pride provides lifelong support and fellowship for the Stanford LGBT community and represents the community’s interests to the University and beyond.

Our Membership: As of October 2018, we have over 3900 members, almost 2000 of whom live in the San Francisco Bay Area. We also have significant presence in the Greater New York Area and the Los Angeles area, with about 400 members each. Then come New England, DC, San Diego, and Seattle. We also have about 200 members in other countries.

Our History: Stanford was involved very early in the march toward LGBT recognition. Harry Hay, the “father of gay liberation,” studied on the Farm in 1930-32. The Gay People Union was founded in April 1971 – an event we celebrated during Reunion/Homecoming 2011 with our well-attended “40 and Fabulous” event. The GPU later became Gay & Lesbian at Stanford (GLAS), then Gay and Lesbian Alumni (GALA) and finally Stanford Pride, a name we chose in 2002 to convey the broadest possible message of inclusion. Stanford Pride is one of the groups within the Stanford Alumni Association.

Our Organization: Stanford Pride is led by a Board, composed of people who represent the gender, age, and ethnic diversity of the Stanford community – from fresh graduates to retirees. Each Board member contributes to an activity in support of our mission: fundraising, programming, governance, communications, and advocacy. Our Board meets in person three times a year, including during Homecoming/Reunion week-end, to constantly review and adapt our activities to the needs of the community.
We open nominations for two-year staggered terms on the Board in March of each year. Think of joining us!

Our Work: Our flagship program is the Huffington Pride Fellowship (see back page). In addition, we organize “events of substance” (panels on marriage, reproduction, financial and legal issues for LGBT people, etc.), arts events, social events or “mixers,” often in collaboration with other colleges, and an annual Tahoe ski trip. We hold an annual event during Reunion/Homecoming week-end. In 2011, our guest of honor was Susan Rice, US Ambassador to the United Nations (center, below), who spoke about her commitment to oppose anti-LGBT discrimination worldwide. We publish a monthly “e-update” with a calendar of events we organize or co-host around the country and even in some foreign capitals.
We regularly collaborate with the LGBT Community Resource Center.

Stanford Alumni Mentoring: Stanford Pride participates in the Stanford Alumni Mentoring program (SAM), allowing undergrads as well as graduate students who prefer to receive career advice from LGBT alums a chance to do so. We bring a unique awareness of issues such as corporate attitudes with respect to LGBT employees and same-sex couples. Alumni and students can register at

The Stanford Pride Fellowship: Each year since 1994, the Pride Fellowship is awarded to one or more undergraduate students who have submitted their own proposals to spend the summer working for an organization serving our community. The students receive a financial stipend to support them. The program is run in collaboration with Stanford’s Haas Center for Public Service. The Fellowship program is funded in part by the proceeds of an endowed fund generously started in 2006 by Michael Huffington, ’70, and by additional donations from Stanford Pride members, including Bob Major, ’73 and others. Our 2018 Fellow, the 41st recipient, is Jason Lin, ’20, who worked with us and the Stanford Archives to expand our collection of oral histories, a project started in 2015 thanks to a grant from Stanford Associates. For more information about the Fellowship, go to the Haas Center Web site at

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